PLAY PRоDUCT Studiо (hereinafter referred to as "our website") is called "cookie" (hereinafter referred to as "cookies") on the website operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "this website"). We use the information collected using) to improve and maintain the quality of this website.
In this cookie policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Cookie Policy"), we will describe the details of cookies managed and used by the Company and how to disable the customer.

If you continue to browse this website, we need to agree to use your cookies information according to this cookie policy. Even if you do not agree with this policy, you can browse this website.

1. What is a cookie?

Cookies are the functions that save the usage history and input content sent and received between the browser and the server when accessing this website on your device (equipment such as PCs and smartphones). 。 It is not possible to identify your personal information from the information collected through cookies.
In addition, there are some cookies set to have the functions provided on our website for customers and by third parties in partnership with the Company. You can use this website by disabling the cookies by setting the browser, but if you disable it, some functions of this website will be limited and you will not be able to receive the service sufficiently. Please note that there is sex.

2. About the purpose of use of cookies

(1) Cookies essential for the operation of this website
"Indispensable" cookies are cookies for normally operating the operation as requested by the customer when viewing this website. We use it to identify customers when logging in to this website.

(2) Functional cookies
"Functional" cookies are more conveniently used by this website. , Cookies used to remember specific information.
Part of the cookie may be managed by a third party. For more information, see the Privacy Policy on the third party website.
The "functional cookies" used on this website are as follows.
Tool name:Tool provider: Web site
VIP:Stack Co., Ltd.

(3) Performance cookies
"Performance" cookies are on this website on this website on this website, using the information collected using cookies and analyzing and analyzing the browsing status and usage status of the customer's website. It is used to improve services and provide more suitable services according to customer interests and needs. In addition, we use cookies to provide chat function as a web customer service tool. These use it to improve the operation of this website and improve convenience.
The "Performance Cookie" used on this website is as follows.
Tool name:Tool provider: Web site
Google Analytics: Google Inc.
Chanel Talk: Channel Corporation:
UNISIZE: Meikip Co., Ltd.:

(4) In addition to the above purposes, cookies acquired by the Company will be used within the purpose of use specified in the Privacy Policy.

3. About advertising distribution using cookies issued by third parties

On this website, advertisements distributed from third parties may be posted, and in connection with this, the third party has acquired cookies of customers who visited this website, etc. It may be used.
If you are allowed to send and receive cookies in the browser settings, this website allows you to get cookies from your browser. In addition, your browser will only send cookies sent and received by the server on this website to protect privacy.
The acquired cookies information, etc. are handled according to the third party's privacy policy.

4. How to disable cookies

(1) Disable cookies by setting terminal settings
Cookies can be disabled by changing the settings of the browser, such as the terminals used by the customer. The setting method depends on the browser. For the setting method for cookies, please check the "Help" menu of your browser.
Please note that if you select a setting that refuses all cookies, you may not be able to receive services that require authentication, and you may be restricted in the use of various services on the Internet.

(2) Cookies issued by third parties
You can access the opt -out page provided on a third party's website and stop using the third party for advertising information and other advertising information.

Partner site name and opt -out procedure
Google Inc.
Yahoo Co., Ltd.
Criteo Co., Ltd.
Meta Platforms, Inc.
LINE Co., Ltd.

Established November 5, 2021
Revised December 29, 2022

Revised on February 1, 2023
Representative Director Takayuki Sugai